Mother's Day

December 03, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

This blog is to honor my Mom and Grandmother; two strong women that have helped shape me to become the person I am today.

My Mom, for those that don’t know her, she is a tough lady she raised four kids while my Father served in the Military. I clearly remember my childhood morning routine; wash up, get dressed, make the bed, and have our backpacks by the door all in order, to be able to sit down at the table to eat breakfast.

To this day I don’t like to do anything without following this routine (minus the backpack lol).

Growing up my Mom was a paramedic so we didn’t really get away with staying home from school because we were “sick”. If we didn’t feel well, she would bring out her medical bag do a once over and send us on our way if it was minor. However, if we were indeed sick, she made us feel incredibly loved and cared for. I remember her bringing out her nice pink China tea cups to serve us chamomile tea and soup in bed. It was the little things that made staying at home with a fever feel not so terrible.  

She is also a talented artist and has a green thumb like no other. I remember watching her paint the rooms of the house and working on her garden; always making sure there were cherry tomatoes for me. I don’t think she realizes how talented she really is. All the little handmade crafts for the holidays are the things we as kids loved to see every year. It’s what made the house look beautiful.

If anything, she knew how to make us feel special. Personalized Christmas wreaths for our doors that she made herself. A small box of chocolate for Valentines on our pillows for when we got home from school. Chocolate Easter bunnies every year. She even continued to make us 1st day of school cookies even when we were away at college.

My Mom claims not to be sentimental, but I know deep down she enjoys these little traditions and I remember them, cherish them and thank her for always making us feel special and loved.

She taught me self-disciple, if you want something done you have to get up and do it yourself. Make it happen, move it or lose it type of attitude. She’s helped me to become a strong-minded woman of faith, who will go the extra mile to make a statement.  Thanks Mom! 

Now my Grandma, everyone loves my Grandma. I don’t think I’ve ever introduced her to anyone that walked away not loving her. She’s my Mother’s Mom and has been in my life ever since I was born. She and my Grandpa took care of me and my brothers after school when we were little. She would sew clothes for us, bake us goodies and had a magical garden that we loved to play in. 

She is probably the most faithful, woman you will ever meet. She wakes up every morning to say the Divine Mercy. She is always telling us that she is praying for us and continuously looks at the brighter side of life. Most of my pre-teen/teenage years were spent with my Grandma. We would go to the church and fix the flowers, clean and decorate for all the special masses and then volunteer at the church pantry.

She is also incredibly adventurous, and will try just about anything once. She is a world traveler, and has gone to Peru to hike up Machu Picchu, ridden camels in the Holy Lands, rode gondolas, a visited the Pope in Italy, seen the Eifel Tower in Paris, touched the Berlin wall, taken mud baths in Japan, gone to just about every state in the United States and so much more. Honestly I could probably type up a whole page with everything that she has done and still not be finished. Basically she travels a lot, she isn’t afraid to see the world in what ever capacity it may be.

You will also never meet someone more in love with their husband than this lady right here. My Grandpa passed away when I was about nine years old and to this day she is still head over heels for this man, it is incredible to see. To this day she still hangs up his Christmas stocking.

Well there you have it that’s my Mom and Grandma, two loving, tough, beautiful ladies that have raised me, cared for me and showed me what life is all about. Taking chances, getting your hands dirty and believing in God’s grace.

Happy Mother’s Day to you ladies and to all the Mothers out there. I hope you know how much your kids love you and adore you.


Peace and Love 




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